
Tuesday, 1 January 2013

Planning Props


Considering the fact that the trailer will be filmed as a 'home video' the camera itself is considered a prop. One filming device available was the Iphone 4S, it was one choice as the filming quality is accurately good and due to the fact the screen is touch screen you are able to touch on the screen what you want to be in focus, also it is a device you would expect the people of that age to have available to film on. However, a prominent part of the film will be filmed underground and the camera cannot use dark mode, or a bright light. The camera quality is very good but, considering the phones size it is hard to maintain a stead hand when filming as a lot of the filming will be hand held. Another issue is space on the phone; in order to film a long enough video in one take or various videos in various takes you need to have a lot of space on the camera free, which is something that could greatly affect the filming stage making the process in production take a lot longer than anticipated. 

Another option available to me for filming, and that would be available for the characters is the Nikon Coolpix. A particular positive to this camera is that it films in HD. The camera can also have a Micro SD card 64gb meaning there will be a sufficient amount of space on the camera in order to save and film. This camera is also very light and easily movable which very convenient as it will be filmed in handheld, although, it doesn't have a stand meaning the shots may be shaky and unclear at times. The camera also doesn't bode well in the dark, the images become inanimate, this is greatly negative considering one of the main uses for the camera. The camera is also quite hard to hold due to the shape: it was designed to take pictures mainly, thus, the camera is not very good for holding comfortably again this could effect the quality of shots. 

Above is a video taken from where they compare the quality of a HD camera and an Iphone camera. As you can see the quality is better on the HD and the colour balance is a lot more accurate. The HD camera in comparison to the Iphone is much better in a darker scene this is a particularly appealing quality. Subsequently  I have chosen to use a HD handheld to film my trailer.


One obvious choice would be a knife. It is quite common to see a knife as a weapon in a horror movie this is because it is easily available and it is easy to get prop knifes to create more gruesome scenes that will appeal to the target audience. However, I would have to purchase a fake knife ordered from the internet from a joke shop such as: This creates a new range of possible problems such as the delivery not coming in time, or the knife not looking real which would destroy the image of the trailer. I would be less lead to use a weapon that has been used in so many horror films, as using a different weapon would create a sense of brand identity and unique reference. Although it is appealing to use a weapon the audience recognise it could create more curiosity and wider audience interest if I use a more unique weapon.

Considering the setting is underground in a maintenance type-cupboard or basement, a screwdriver is a convenient choice. You would expect to see tools such as a screwdriver in a maintenance cupboard so, this option would be convenient for the characters, as it would create a clear sense of continuity rather than a weapon conveniently appearing: this will appeal to the target audience as it makes the narrative seem more realistic. It also intrigues the audience as it is a weapon they wouldn't have seen in a horror film before. Also, it is easily available to me in getting the prop, and no fake version would be needed as long as it is handled with care. Thus, this would have to be clearly highlighted as a possible danger in my health and safety and consent letter.


I have chosen to use a torch that would be readily available to the 'victims' Using the 'flashlight' app I was able to film the trailer in light conditions. 

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