Q1 Are you male or female?
I asked this question in order to find out what sex my target audience are, this will encourage me to consider who whether my choice of female protagonist is a good decision. I feel that by having a female protagonist, that plays as both the princess and the hero I gain a new unique selling point, having an inspiring character as the lead, rather than a more typical attractive, unintelligent lead character. It also means by having a female protagonist this is appealing to the male audience.
Q2 What do you find the scariest?
By asking my target audience what they find the scariest I can clearly see what is the best choice of villain to create fear, and a successful appealing horror film for my target audience. It also means that I can create a clear selling point, by having a villain that appeals to the audience. Thus, my villain, a ghost, is clearly the best choice.
Q3 What attracts you to a horror? (e.g. the actors, the fear)
For this question I have collected all responses and created a wordle of responses, the most popular words used are the largest. As you can see 'fear' and 'ghosts' are the largest words on the image meaning these are two elements I must include in my horror in order to attract my target audience. Similarly setting and the narrative are very important aspects that will attract my target audience.Q4 What within a horror creates fear? (e.g. the unknown, the suspense)
For this question I have collected all responses and created a wordle of reposes, the most popular words used are the largest. The most popular responses were suspense, the unknown and blood. This enables me to see clearly important aspects of a horror I must have in my horror in order to create horror.
Q5 What do you feel is the strongest form of advertising?
I asked this question in order to see which forms of advertisement would be the strongest in order to promote my film. As you can see Adverts are the most popular then posters and billboards. This means I can clearly see how to attract my target audience creating a stronger company image.
Q6 What typical things do you expect to see within a horror? (e.g. a death, blood, a monster etc)
For this question I have collected all responses and created a wordle of responses, the most popular words used are the largest. The two most popular res ponces to this question were blood and death, thus this leads me to believe these are two elements I must include in order to create the image of a typical horror, and attract the target audience, by clearly showing the genre.
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